CV Steen Aalberg

Kort udgave, engelsk
Revised: June 2010
Steen Aalberg, Optometrist, FCOVD
CEO, Synsplejeklinik
Jernbanegade 16
6400 Sønderborg, Denmark
Professional Activities / Appointments:
1979 - Graduated from danish school of optometry in Copenhagen
1988 - still active Self employed in private practice, Sønderborg.
1990 - still active Council member of the Scandinavian Congress of Optometry (SOKKO)
1990 - still active Member of the DO
1992 - still active College of Optometrists in Vision Development Fellow
1998 - still active Member of Danish Optic Society (DOPS)
2002 - still active Board member of ScanCOVIS – board of directors
2002 - still active Education Committee member Danish Optometry and Contact lens Society
2007 - still active Member of Wissenschaftl. Ver. für Augenoptik und Optometrie (WVAO)
2008 - still active Member of OEPF Clinical Curriculum Faculty
Recent papers presented at conferences:
ABI addressed in a multidicplinary setting, ICBO, April 2010
ABI/TBI project reveiw EECO Copenhagen May 2010
Professional awards:
Best Study Group / Experience Exchange Group in Denmark (The Iris Group) 1995
Appreciation of lectures, “Motivation of Kids and Infants During Examination and Training Sessions” at Scandinavian Congress of Optometry and European Congress of Behavioral Optometry, Copenhagen, Dec. 2003
Armand Bastien Memorial Award at I.C.B. O. Ontario, California 2010 for Significant International Accomplishments
Special interest and goals within Optometry:
Since 1986 I have been in private general optometric vision care practice in the southern part of Juttland. After completing C.O.V.D. Fellowship in 1995, I have been mainly occupied in education, vision training, remediation and rehabilitation of functional visual problems, including those caused by brain injury. This work supports my main interest is vision, as it develops through interaction of sensor and motor components of the human organism and nervous system. I find it exiting how theories of self organizing complex systems and chaos often apply to vision, as to many other aspects of our world. I put special interest to educational and developmental aspects on the field of vision. My primary goal is to constantly increase my level of understanding of the nature of light and human vision, and bringing this knowledge to action.
Activities in 2010
- Lecturing at Vejlefjord, Vision rehabilitation by ABI/TBI
- Lecturing special education for Neuropsychologists CFH Copenhagen University
- Lecturing at DaNs, neuro rehab special teachers Vision rehabilitation by ABI/TBI
- Lecturing on vision development, litterature, learning and rehab, optometrists Oslo
- Lecturing Synscenter Refsnæs visual handicap institution personel
- Participant Children with neurophysiological behavioral and learning disabilities, ADD ADHD and Autism
- Participating and presenting ABI in a multi dicipl, setting at ICBO, Ontario, California
- Participatant NORA conference and two day course, April 2010, Ontario, California
- Lecturing, Polish Conference on Optometry, Adam Mickewicz University, Poznan, Poland